Thursday 28 July 2011

Rohan Daft interview

Rohan Daft is a former staff feature writer and gossip columnist for the London Evening Standard and has contributed to numerous other publications. Also he wrote a book "Menu del Dia" about Spanish food. Now he is leading The Row - a blog of Richard James bespoke tailoring and menswear company.

Rohan, when did you start your career?
Well, I started my career in 80s writing for the gossip column. That's a common thing, a lot of journalists started in gossip columns. My first real job was in Evening Standard though.

Was it hard?
Yes, it was tough; the paper had three additions, so I had three deadlines, that actually means I had about two hours to produce a story.

Say, how did you collect the material for your stories?
I was drinking with my friends once a while and listening very carefully to things people were talking about, asking questions. Sometimes I paid for the stories as well. And you don't need to check information - it's a gossip!

Really? But some people can be offended reading these gossips, don't you think?
It's fine. If you work in the newspaper, it's a honor that someone punched you in the face!

How were you commissioned to lead the Richard James company blog.
They called me to write out of the blue.

What is RJ blog?
First of all, this blog is neither about me, nor my opinion, but about things, the company stands for. I have to be clear. The essence of the blog - fresh, it's got to be fresh! The point to do it of course advertising, you want it to be seen, so you lead the blog. Other ways are more expensive, more complicated and also take a lot of exclusivity away.

What about content?
It featuress pictures of the product, inspiring videos, information about recent updates of collections and items, theme stories and so on. I am really surprised when people ask how I come up with ideas for my blog every day. I think it's so natural. Sometimes people can't see stories in front of their eyes.

And finally, your book about Spanish food is pretty popular. How did you came up with this idea?
It was a commission. I worked feelance and stayed in Spain about 5 or 6 years and led the blog about Spanish food. I actually wanted to make a guidebook,  but it didn't happen.

George Lucas defeated by Stormtrooper helmet man

A designer who made original Star Wars helmets has won the copyright battle with George Lucas to sell replicas(BBC). Lucasfilm argued the stormtroopers are 'art' and should be protected under appropriate copyright laws,Ainsworth said they were just ‘props’

In a statement Ainsworth said:"I am delighted to have won the right to continue to make these replicas from the original tools and moulds."

Lucasfilm said: “The U.K. should not allow itself to become a safe haven for piracy."

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Lineart is a basement for your art

Many peple think that digital art is like cheating: artists use patterns made by the programm, or make line arts using the photograph. But do you know, how difficult and complicated to get used to draw using computer? I think that computer graphics and digital art are new form of the art, not "cheating" at all.

When I started to draw using my computer and tablet, I was a bit confused. There are so many programs, and tools! Which should I use to draw wonderful pictures not only in my imagination, but in reality? 

I believe the first and very important point is line art.It's kind of basement which you follow when you colour your picture.

Several programs can be turned to account for line art, I prefer Paint Tool SAI, it's not so complicated as Photoshop and created specially for drawing. Photoshop is another story. There is a pen, vector graphics tool, but I still can't handle it, so for now I'm just telling about SAI.

To start with, make a draft. It shouldn't be complicated, just make some leading lines for your future picture. If you are not used to your tablet, just draw it in your sketch book and scan. Generally all mistakes can be clearly seen on  the screen.  No worries, just analyze it an look for some tutorials if you don't understand how to make some parts. Then open SAI, create a new linework layer (Layers panel), and go ahead. It's better to try all the tools first to get used to it though. As for me, my favorite one is Curve, really convenient one.  By the way SAI tool Curve is also kind of vector tool, but still scaling it up makes the image jugged.

Anyway to feel the difference between tools try to draw with pencil tool and then draw the same with curve tool. The difference is amazing!
Take a look: 
Pencil lines:    
Linework lines:

Enjoy your drawing and good luck!

If you are interested, you can also check out my latest lines